The Raindrop Technique® is a unique massage based on methods that have been used for centuries to rejuvenate the body and mind. The Raindrop massage provides balance and harmony in the body through a combination of targeted massage and different energy approaches, using pure essential oils.
I was told that I couldn’t do it, I was stupid, I was crazy. But because I believed in my dreams, I accomplished them – Gary Young
The Raindrop massage technique was developed in the 1980’s by D. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living Oil. He combined two different techniques; the world of essential oils and the spiritual influence of centuries-long rituals of the Lakota Indians, whereby energy in the body could be brought back to flow.
The Raindrop massage uses the Raindrop Technique. This is a revolutionary treatment method that has a very powerful effect, but is very gentle in treatment. Essential oil is dripped onto the body from a height of about 15 centimeters, which gives the feeling of raindrops. Before the oils are dripped onto the body, the Vitaflex technique is applied which enhances the benefits of the essential oils. The Vitaflex technique massages the reflex points so that a powerful impulse flows through the body along the nerve pathways. In between the different oils, special feather-light soft energetic stroking movements of the fingertips are used, alternated with various massage techniques. This gives the body the opportunity to dispose of waste products and restore the balance. The oils used in the Raindrop massage work on the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional body. They help to achieve balance while at the same time relaxing. Due to the release of the scents of the oils, a lot can also happen mentally. This way emotions can be released.
The treatment can best be described as a pleasant, beneficial and soothing experience!
The Raindrop technique is a godsend for clients who are normally not allowed to undergo a massage or manipulation technique! Everyone will experience the Raindrop massage differently, depending on his or her body. Recipients can experience relaxation, gain more energy, release emotions, or other effects. The massage lasts an hour, but its effect can last for up to a week.
The treatment also brings deep relaxation, clarity, improves concentration, helps to detoxify the lymphatic system and improves mood. A valuable massage for your overall health.
During the Raindrop vitaflex massage you lie on your stomach on the massage table with a bare upper body and bare feet. Before the oils are dripped on the body, the vitaflex is applied which enhances the benefits of the essential oils. This massage technique massages the reflex points, causing a powerful impulse to flow through the body along the nerve pathways.
In between the different oils, special feather-light soft energetic strokes of the fingertips are used, alternated with various massage techniques. This gives the body the opportunity to dispose of waste products and restore the balance.
The treatment has a long-acting relaxing effect. This massage is highly recommended, so for anyone looking for a new massage technique, give this one a try!
Would you like to know more about the massage or book a massage? Please contact us via the contact form.
The flower of life aims to support health and general well-being by applying acupressure therapy, massage yoga and chair massage in Amsterdam (and surroundings).
We work with Young Living oils and food supplements for energy and relaxation.
the flower of life
Leontine Denisse / Ali Cetinkaya
Esmoreitstraat 3-1
06 – 14360480